Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby's Big Milestone Reached: Walking

For the past few months DS has been crawling around the house like a madman. He is also "cruising," meaning that he can stand up and walk around the couch, chairs, tables and so forth. As long as he's hanging on to something, he can walk.

But I don't consider it "walking" until he's walking on his own without help.

Over the last few weeks he's been taking one or two steps on his own before flopping over onto the floor. This has resulted in some nasty falls and many bruises. He's very resilient though. After a fall he gets right back up and keeps playing. He's quite the trooper.

Today he reached a big milestone. He was able to walk several feet, unaided by Susan or I. Of course he walked like a drunken sailor. But now it's a matter of building up his confidence. I've been encouraging him to walk by holding his hands and slowly moving around the room. If I'm lucky I can let go with one hand and he'll still walk. Then, like everything else, he thinks it's a game and falls over to roll around on the floor and laugh hysterically.

Milestones don't happen at the snap of a finger. At least, that's not what it feels like when you're waiting for your little one to sit up (for example). When it happens, though, you look back and think: "That was fast!"

And with each milestone, your baby becomes a little more independent. That's good and bad. It's good because I don't have to carry DS everywhere. If I need to change his diaper, I can walk into his room and he'll follow me. It's bad because since he started standing up he can reach for things on the couch, tables, shelves and anything else where valuables are kept.

He already snatched up our television remote and managed to mess up our TV with the press of two buttons. We've been trying to fix it for a while now, but we have no idea what he did. That's another post for another time.

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