Friday, September 2, 2011

Does It Get Easier?

This is a question I've asked any and every parent (mom or dad) that has a baby older than my own. Even if they have a toddler, I ask: "Does it get easier?" I want reassurance that parenting does get easier.

I've come to the conclusion that the answer to this elusive question commonly asked by new parents is: Yes and no.

First, yes, it does get easier. When you first bring baby home you will have to adjust to midnight feedings, diaper changes, constant care, doctor's appointments, and the list goes on endlessly. It's all overwhelming at first. You suddenly have this new life you must care for. It's not easy.

But, you do get use to it. You learn your baby's routines and personality. You'll begin to recognize the signs that your baby is hungry or tired. And your baby He/she quickly goes from newborn to just a baby, then to a toddler. No one phase lasts forever.

In that sense, yes it does get easier. You will find ways to cope and deal with the challenges. You will adapt. It might not happen right away so be patient.

Now time for the dread "No" answer.

The reason why I say "no" is because even as your baby grows and develops, every stage brings new challenges that you must confront. For example, when DS was a baby I had to deal with his crying episodes (luckily for us, they were few), carrying him everywhere, trying to play with him, rocking him to sleep at night, etc.

Now he's a toddler. So he doesn't just lay on the floor like a lump of potatoes anymore. He can play by himself and he can play with me.

The hard part now is that he's mobile. I spend half my day chasing him around the house. He also grabs at everything, which instantly goes into his mouth. He can stand up and reach for things on the couch or on a low shelf. He's learned to figure things out.

I think any parent will tell you that this phase is not easy. It is very challenging. I'm exhausted by the end of the day. While I don't have to deal with a fussy baby that needs to be held, I'm trying to keep my toddler from sticking his fingers in an electrical outlet that I forgot to plug.

The question "Does it get easier" seems to expect a yes or no answer. But it's not that simple. Rather than saying "Yes it does" or "No it does not", I think it's better to say "It changes as time goes on. Every phase brings its own challenges."

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